

Title Description Start Date End Date File
The judgment passed by the competent authority under The judgment passed by the competent authority under section 3H(4) and 3H(3) of the National Highways Act, 1956 in the following case-  At Sangvi Kati Gat No 653 Shri Prakash Bhujang Tulse and Others vs Shri Karn Govind Tulse and Others

The judgment passed by the competent authority under The judgment passed by the competent authority under section 3H(4) and 3H(3) of the National Highways Act, 1956 in the following case-  At Sangvi Kati Gat No 653 Shri Prakash Bhujang Tulse and Others vs Shri Karn Govind Tulse and Others

14/09/2022 10/09/2025 View (1 MB)
The judgment passed by the competent authority under section 3H(4) and 3H(3) of the National Highways Act, 1956 in the following case-  At Chorakhali Gat No 623 Mu. Chorakhali Gat No. 623  Sau. Balika Abasaheb Rumne  and Others vs Shri Shivaji Dhondiram Shinde

The judgment passed by the competent authority under section 3H(4) and 3H(3) of the National Highways Act, 1956 in the following case-  At Chorakhali Gat No 623 Mu. Chorakhali Gat No. 623  Sau. Balika Abasaheb Rumne  and Others vs Shri Shivaji Dhondiram Shinde

14/09/2022 10/09/2025 View (905 KB)